Aether Adrift — News — Demonskunk Studios

Aether Adrift

The Aether Adrift Jumpstart has launched!

Have you been itching to jump into the fantastical world of Aether Adrift? To fancy with the fulgori, mingle with the Mikwa, and run with the Robots? Well then I’ve got some great news for you, Voyagers! The Aether Adrift Jumpstart Rules have just launched over on Drive Thru RPG!

The Aether Adrift Jumpstart includes a collection of new Edges, Hindrances, Races, Equipment, and Foes. It contains an all new and versatile powers system called Nanotech that is unique to this setting. It also contains 6 pre-made characters and a one-sheet adventure so you can jump straight into it - and this is all just a small taste of what the final game will offer! Download the Aether Adrift Jumpstart, and a copy of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition and get started today!

Four intrepid voyagers stand at the edge of an island, overlooking the edge of adventure.

Four intrepid voyagers stand at the edge of an island, overlooking the edge of adventure.

If you decide to give the Jumpstart a look, make sure you leave us an honest review so we can use your feedback to make the final product even better!

Whether you’re looking for other players to join you on your expedition onto the islands of Aether Adrift, or eager to hear updates on the game as soon as they’re available come join our Discord!